Sunday, May 04, 2008

I've gotta lose weight.

The reason?
Well, apart from the obvious..
There's this MSSD Tae Kwon Do competition this month.
& I really wanna take part.
except for the fact that it's in the middle of my mid-terms.
pray the date changes from the 17th-18th of May to the end of the month or something. or else I won't be in it.
Plus, did I mention that the weighing-in is this Saturday??
So I've gotta lose like maybe at least 2 kg in less than a week. =/
It's not necessary to lose weight but it's for my own liking and also advantage. =) i wish!

Next on the news:
I've got a Japanese exam tomorrow!
Haven't started on my revision yet.
I realize I like to say this...
"Why the heck am I still blogging??!"