Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here you go Lyn. You wanted the pizza post so here it is.

Last Sunday, Lyn followed me to church for youth service, which was great. =) Though we were about an hour plus late for service. Haha. So not good. Can't let that happen again...
Apparently, Dan had gone to church way earlier leaving Reuben at home still snuggled up in bed. I had to call before he got out of bed. At 11!! Agh. Anyway, we got to church round 11.45 and, unsurprisingly, praise & worship was already over. =( We walked in when Cmdr Gideon was on stage, talking. Awkward.... So he spoke that morning and the was message was pretty interesting.

After service, Lyn stayed back at my place cause she wanted to make pizza. Man, i really gotta find something different to make. Pizza, pizza, pizza is getting real boring. Haha. I must admit i'm really impressed by Lyn's skills in cutting a tomato. Lol. Unlike me. I take like 10 minutes to do a tomato but she took less than half that time. Hehe. And she didn't cut herself... haha. She said i'm so prone to accidents in the kitchen. Ey girl, i'm still learning!

Sensei =)

LOL. We were tryna thaw the pita bread. Even after 3 tries in the oven, it still stayed frozen. So we got a knife to slice the pieces apart. Haha. Still stuck together, i got frustrated.

into the oven...

My piece. Watheck right? haha. mixed veges on pizza...

Lyn's - hers was so thick. overloaded with toppings. haha. n i made her eat up all the leftover ingredients.

Oozing melted cheese...


lyn having a bite =D yum!

okay. that is all i've got for ya.