Saturday, September 08, 2007

what do you do when.....

hey ppl... long day at school today...was so tired..yesterday stayed up till 12+..hehe..watching TeeV & had to wake up at 6+..(but Zorro was on!!!) yeah, serves me right for thinking i could wake up on time.. Ash woke up before mua (haha..odd because this has never happened!...ever..) anyway...missy here started slamming on my door and yelling for me to wake up...& what time was it?? uhm..bout 6.45??? & we had to leave by 7.10...dunno why but...okay then..then, i literally jumped out of bed and like raced to the bathroom..washed up, ate my breakfast & got dressed under what? 8 minutes?? lol...ok...better stop my rambling like now...

hey, you guys...i found cute!dancing banana!! whooo-t!!

at school today was the AGMs for all clubs..a boring affair..okay..first, ping pong..haha...Jacq was like gonna kill us cause she got the Bendahari post...though we had nothing to do with it...& pbsm, was chosen(grrr...) as one of the heads of some section or sumthing...-_-""(didn't get it...still don't)...but they said to be an ajk you gotta kawad...didn't want to so didn't get the post..and surprise, surprise! i got form rep. for CUnion! who knew??

shocker here:is not, never was & probably never will be a choir club member but apparently i got nominated for a post (dunno wat) and got it! well, that's what cindy told me...weird, huh??! gotta deal with that...

kay, that's all for tonight!
gotta wake up for church tomorrow!
C ya! =D