Sunday, November 09, 2008

We Will Still Be Friends Forever

It was Celine's farewell party yesterday...
Very cool. Just hung out. Our last big meeting together before she leaves for Singapore. Lyn, Niro, Siew, Miin were there....and Mel and Tara!! Haven't seen them since pri-school. So awesome to see them again.
We had such a blast, didn't we? Haha. Being maniacs at the playground. We could have woken up the whole neighborhood with our loud chatter and laughter! LOL

Celine's new pup ~ ain't she adorable?? Chesta's her name ryte.
I was covered with dog slobber de whole night...haha

guess whooo....? xD

We were getting bored at the house just munching on food so we headed to the playground. =D
Fact: I DO NOT like Monkey Bars.

we were tryna figure out how to play with that thing at the playground.
but couldn't . haha

"c'mon celine!...."

a painful pose.

ah hah! a picture of Mel....finally!

♥ ♥ lyns

aww niro.....

Da whole group =)
