Saturday, March 31, 2007

p.l.o.t Ⅰ

just came back from the camp....i soo miss it already!...sobs sobs
i just hope that i'll be able to get over it by monday or else i wouldn't be able to concentrate!
camp was so musch fun....for those who missed out, =( ya'll, especially the first year prefects, missed out on an awesome camp!

my first impression at first of the camp was that it was going to be tough to 'survive'....but i proved to be wrong!...

on the first day we got into groups & were each given an egg which we had to find earlier and keep it in 1 piece until the last day...but there was a hitch...we also had to wrap it up however so, that when it was kicked it wouldn't that was how a game of 'egg soccer' began! two teams were given the chance to play soccer with another team's egg as the ball...not so surprisingly (but nerve wreckingly), our egg could withstand the brutal clashing!...we had taken so much care of the egg from the start (we cradled it & a team-mate even held it in her hands in her sleep...kudos to her!) that if it were to break i can tell you that tears would have been flowing non-stop!

we also had a game where we were given a candle & 3 matches. if our candle light were to be blown out we had to use the 2 extra matches till all of them ran the same time, we had to move around collecting signatures of a selected few of facilitators (or facees) while protecting the light from being blown out by other facees....this lasted until after 3 in the morning if i remember right....

more in plot Ⅱ...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

camping ol' way

tomorrow (29th of March) i'll be going on my first ever camping trip!! great or what? this is totally my first time is at Bukit Laggong, Selayang...for prefects.

i actually don't know what i'm feeling right's a whole blended smoothie of nerves, excitement & psycho-ism....(cause i've gotta admit i'm a lil paranoid!) i just hope i'll be able to survive my first camping trip! >.<
not to mention tonight & tomorrow morning are the last 2 proper showers i'll get to take before the trip! talk about eewwww ....well, what are new experience for, right?

am actually half way through packing right now....last minute as always....*hope i don't forget anything!* imagine the idea of walking blindfolded through the dark forest at 12 in the morning, sleeping at 11.30 pm & awaking barely 6 hours later! wow....true, pure, old camping....=) an experience no doubt!.....
at least i hope!!

*out* till Saturday...
C ya!

Monday, March 26, 2007

mix cultures

how awesome was today??....i'll tell ya! freakin'ly awesome!
japanese students from Nagaoka College came here, to lil' Klang & to our school in conjunction with the intercultural day.
we had like 4 girls & 10+ guys (do take note that some were quite hot!)
we watched presentations by them and also exchanged name cards with them.

then we also took part in a race dubbed 'Explorace' where each group had at least 2 japanese students with them. it was hilarious trying to converse with them though we do take japanese language lessons!....=)

i met & took snapshots of a few jap. students & one had a real cute name, Yukiko!
i'll be posting pictures on my friendster profile to those who knows it....

it was soo awesome i almost cried when the program was over!
though i might not be able to express it in words, i can gurantee that today was an amazing and an unforgettable experience!

Rock On!!

私の中心常にで~always in my heart!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

don't u just love it?

don't you just love gadgets??
there are always new ones coming out...
waiting for you, your MasterCard/wallet.....hehe

went shopping, just came back from Subang (still want that handbag...)
bought a cute turqoise tube top from DorothyPerkins....lurve it!

PS. so guys, when are we gonna finally meet up??

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


tiring day yesterday....
i got back a few of my test papers & though I have so far gotten all A's for those papers, there's still my history paper as well as geography & living skills(KH for those who're unaware)...

I have to say this isn't really my best but still with all hope I'll still be able to get straight A's if not just a few B's.....*cross fingers*

and dear bff of mine....don't stress out too much, kay? (you know what about) ya!

Friday, March 16, 2007


have you ever felt hurt? sucks bad doesn't it?

my dad has gone again on one of his many business trips to Sudan...
He just left & really, its not really something to party over...

well apart from that, today my mom, sis & I wanted to go shopping at 1 utama...that was a risk though as my mom didn't know the way out from there!
so, on the way there we took a wrong turn & ended up heading to curve instead...-_-"
whatever since that's better than staying back at home.

did a little shopping & saw the most gorgeous Guess handbag!...but probably won't get it...*birthday's coming up though...*winx* mommy? daddy?...hehe...XD

..all for the day..

Thursday, March 15, 2007

sight right

today I had my spex made...

apparently I've got short-sightedness & a little astig.
my power is about 200! i managed all this while is beyond me...

I soo wish I could get contacts...but 'rents said to start with glasses first since I've never worn any before.

lurve my new red pair!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

on the 3rd day....


I FINALLY had my haircut & now its super short with bangs!

not exactly what I planned, but it turned out quite okay......

......I guess.......

anyways, I also went for a facial which I must say has to be one of the most painful experience ever!....not like I have not experienced it before....=p

Right now I'm soooo desperate to go out shopping!!...argghh....only 1 week of hols & tuitions are still on...

hey Kat & Celine, miss you guys!..muaxx
wanna meet up at the mall??....=D

Monday, March 12, 2007

quiet day

today started off with me waking up at 6...sheesh shouldn't have but had to...

theory exam?...quite fine...yo! 3 whole hours in there >..<>
dammit with all the terms...who knew?

i'll leave it at dat.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

the start

just starting out so here goes nothing...

how do these things go? I yak about my day & stuff? Yea bla...bla...bla
Oook...well I really wanted to get my hair cut over the hols, today actually but arrgh couldn't
& I'm so tired of it!...wanted to leave it long but urgh it's so so so sucky

damn tomorrow I've got my theory exams...dammit...anyone else?...i'll be seating for grade 6...soooooo slow right?

anywayz ought to be studying right now, not starting a blog...oohh...damn it...studying...just finished for exams....arrgh

ook that's all for my first EVER blog post. you guyz got any pointers, pleeze....give some to me...lolx

chaoz peeps!
carpe diem
*juz realized I cursed a lot...sorry yea