coincidently, this is my 31st post...har-di-haha..
did i just say 31st??? man...i gotta start updating!
A summary of what I've been up to? hmm...let's C...
went (duh!) shopping, lazing around, thought about how i should get started on my revision & hmm...OH YEAH! I got my braces fitted in...the PAIN! Haha...Chris got hers on the same day as me but she got the national colours!! Talk about patriotism! XD
It hurts so much i can barely chew on my food! All I'm having so far is good ol' porridge...I'm actually quite content as it doesn't require any chewing...imagine loads of teeny bits of metal all in your mouth...urgh! XP..I can't complain cause than my mom will say it was my own decision to get braces which is True..
Anyway, here's to a whole year of metal strapped to my teeth!! Pray it won't hurt too much as time goes by...
Did I mention it hurts?? argh..well, cliche but...NO PAIN NO GAIN, right?
::My growing footie fetish::